Thursday, June 11, 2020

Dear Second Grade Students and Families,

I can’t believe it!  Our final class meeting for the year is today.  Come prepared to celebrate the year and to say goodbye for the summer.  When we see each other again, you’ll be third graders!!!!  Specifically, be ready to share your favorite moment from second grade.  If you want, you can make a sign or wear a party hat to get into the spirit of celebration.


  1. Today’s special is P.E.  Check out Coach Sadie’s blog for some ideas to help you stay physically active:


  1. Did you already set your personal reading goal for this summer?  Does your goal include reading a good fit book for at least 20 minutes a day?  I sure hope so.  Perhaps you could read a book today that is totally new to you.  Maybe you’ll find your new favorite book.
  2. Go on Lexia for 20 minutes.


  1. Write a letter to your third grade teacher.  This will be your writing assignment for the week.  Include information about your interests outside of school, skills you feel confident with and skills you want to work on at school, your favorite subject at school, and one thing you’re excited about as a rising 3rd grader.  Be sure to start your letter with a greeting (e.g., Dear Ms. Regan,  ) and to end your letter with a closing (Sincerely,  ).  Also, make sure to use your best handwriting and to proofread your letter to fix any spelling, capitalization, or punctuation errors.  When you’re done, send a scanned copy or photograph of your letter to Ms. Gray to pass along to Ms. Regan.


  1. Go on Symphony Math for 20 minutes.  There is an end-of-year assessment that all students should complete before the end of the year.

Social Studies and Science:

  1. Continue to have fun exploring some of the Science at Home activities posted on the Connecticut Science Center website:

    Science at Home


  1. You could do a virtual tour of the National Museum of Natural History in Washington, DC:
  2. Your could take a virtual trip to New York City to tour the Metropolitan Museum of Art (or the Met, as it’s known):
  3. You could check out the animal cam footage from the Monterey Bay Aquarium:

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