Thursday, May 28, 2020

Dear 2nd Grade Students and Families,

I look forward to seeing many of you at 3:00 for our virtual class meeting.  As always, I will send out an email with the link around 2:40 this afternoon.  For our share, come prepared to tell about any migrations your family has made.  You might share the story of a move during your lifetime, but you might also share the story of family members in the past who’ve made an even bigger move–perhaps from a different country to the United States.  After we share, I will continue reading the story of David, who moved to the United States from a refugee camp in Zimbabwe after his family fled war in the Democratic Republic of Congo.


  1. Today’s special is P.E.  Check out Coach Sadie’s blog for some ideas to help you stay physically active:


  1. Choose 4-5 pages of Keb Needs a Home to read aloud to someone else.  Then complete the comprehension quiz (RazPlus–Keb Needs a Home–comprehension quiz).
  2. Go on Lexia for 20 minutes.


  1. Finish writing your informational book about the animal you researched last week.  Use this template to make sure you include all of the important information (Information Animal Book Template).  Add drawings of the information you write about in each section of your book.
  2. A contraction is a shortened version of a word or group of words that omits (or leaves out) certain letters and uses an apostrophe in place of those omitted letters.  Can’t is a contraction.  It is the shortened version of the word cannot.  In the word can’t, the n and o are removed and replaced with an apostrophe.  You’ll is another contraction.  It is the shorted version of the words you will.  Do you notice which letters were omitted and replaced with an apostrophe?  Write the words that given contractions stand for OR write the contraction that can be made by combining two given words (STW–Contractions 1).


  1. Practice fact families using fact triangles (STW–Fact Family Flash Cards).  
  2. This week, your assignments will all come from the same packet (  Across the week, you will use pages 3-9 and 13-15.  Today, do the pages Name the Shapes (page 8), Shape Identification (page 9), and Shape Animal (page 13).

Social Studies and Science:

  1. Begin reading a story about a girl whose family moved to the United States from Haiti (RazPlus–Haiti Is My Home).  Read chapters 1, 2, and 3 today.  Think about the answers to some questions as you read.  Why did Marie and her family move to Boston from Haiti?  What does Marie hate about Boston?  Why is Marie glad that Johanne is coming to live in Boston?  How does Johanne feel about Boston?

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